Thursday, November 12, 2009

3:42PM, on a Thursday

These are in reverse order from what I wanted, but oh well. Here it is left to right starting at the top and working to the bottom:
Schoolchildren Walking
Lost Lamb
Handing Out Condoms
High School Class
High School
Wedding Poster in my Homestay (these are all over the house)
Portrait of Jesus above my Bed (also all over the house)
My Room
My Room
My Room
My Room
Livestock Outside a Gas Station (common)
Sympathy International Office
Anamabo Beach
Anamabo Beach

They have to be small for the internet to handle, but if you want to see them bigger, just save them to your computer and use a picture editor to resize them. Enjoy!


  1. I'm glad you're rocking a portrait of Jesus in your room. Does that say "Christ is the head of the house" under it?

    Miss you C-Flaaaat

    -Shannon (I don't know why my commenting name is Duckee20. I think I picked that when I signed up for blogspot in like 10th grade and I don't know how to make it go away. Technology is hard)

  2. Yes, yes it does. I also have a picture of another Jesus painting where he is pointing straight at me and the caption is "I DIED FOR YOU." I literally burst out laughing when I saw it. And I like Duckee20, yay throwbacks.
