Friday, November 13, 2009

7:20PM, on a Friday

Today was a bit of a waste since the high school Steve and I went to for our HIV presentation was very unorganized, but we did manage to get in an hour with a 10th grade class. They had very interesting questions like whether HIV can be transmitted through deep kissing or by mosquitoes or just by eating a meal with an infected person. They also seem to think that Muslims and girls in short skirts are more likely to have HIV. It makes me wonder where on earth they hear these rumors. They were also very, very interested in getting tested and procuring condoms, so I gave them the contact information for Symi, which is just a few minutes' walk from their school. I hope they follow through and come over. After that, the rest of the day was passed leisurely as it was simply too hot to do much of anything. They tell me December will be cooler, and January is supposed to be "chilly." Please, let it be true!

Just a few more pictures. They are:
Lounge at ProGhana
Courtyard Outside ProGhana
ProGhana Office View
ProGhana Office View
ProGhana Office View
ProGhana Office View
ProGhana Office View
ProGhana Office View
Another Typical Jesus Portrait
Pregnant Goat

1 comment:

  1. I finally remembered to check your blog and was delighted to find pictures and your detailed entries! Hooray! It sounds like you are having an amazing time - please stay healthy and safe!
